Important Instructions Regarding Your Child’s Anesthesia

Your child will always be given local anesthesia (made numb) for his/her surgery. Your surgeon will discuss with you the appropriate supplemental anesthesia for his/her procedure. Each requires different preparation on your part and, for your safety, it is important that you read and follow the instructions carefully. If you are unclear about any of these directions, please ask your doctor for clarification.


  1. Have a light meal a few hours prior to surgery.
  2. Plan to rest for a few hours after the surgery.



  1. Take only prescribed medication as directed before the surgery.
  2. Nothing to eat or drink, including water for six (6) hours prior to surgery. TO DO OTHERWISE MAY BE LIFE-THREATENING! Children under age six may have water or clear liquids up until two hours prior to surgery. It is still important that any regular medications or any prescriptions that we may have provided are taken, but only with small sips of water.
  3. Young children maybe asked to arrive 30 minutes before surgery to receive premedication at the office.
  4. Plan to rest for the remainder of the day.



  1. Your child may have a light meal a few hours prior to surgery, unless an I.V. sedation or general anesthetic is being administered.
  2. Plan to rest for the remainder of the day.



  1. Nothing to eat or drink, including water, for six (6) hours prior to surgery. TO DO OTHERWISE MAY BE LIFE-THREATENING! Children under age six may have water or clear liquids up until two hours prior to surgery. It is still important that any regular medications or any prescriptions that we may have provided are taken, but only with small sips of water.
  2. Please wear shirt/blouse with sleeves that are easily drawn up above the elbow.
  3. For morning appointments, skip breakfast.
  4. For afternoon appointments, it is important to eat a light breakfast seven (7) hours before your appointment; and then skip lunch.
  5. Plan to rest for the remainder of the day.

Our goal is to provide you with a safe, pleasant and effective anesthesia. In order to do this, it is imperative that we have your full cooperation.

For more information about Pre-Op Child Anesthesia or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nelson or Dr. Wells, call our Denver office.

Call us: 303-758-6850